南街餐馆的一天 24 Hours at the South Street Diner(2012)
- 标签:
- 纪录片 / 短片 / 传记
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Melissa Dowler / Tom Dowler
- 主演:
- Susan Chused Still / Don Levy / Maggie McNally
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- In Boston, the city that brought us Cheers, there really is a place where the staff know all the regulars by name. But it's not a bar, it's a downtown diner that's been there since the 1940s and has become a historical and cultural icon. 24 Hours At The South Street Diner introduces a diverse group of waiters, regulars, late-night revelers and local celebrities who call Boston'......
- 主演:
- Susan Chused Still / Don Levy / Maggie McNally
- 类型:
- 古装
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 1
- 简介:
- 轻喜剧+强大后期配置的方式是本剧的亮点 但实在掩盖不了钕拳主义机械输出的巨大空洞 夸大其实 词藻堆砌 纸上谈兵 惺惺作态实在受不了 女主刚开始还觉得俏皮可爱 越到后面越觉得不舒服的假 平淡无建树...
- 评论:
- 现在的古装剧真的好无聊,讨好女性观众太明显了,张口闭口为了天下女子,个个都在喊口号,但是剧本又写的很没意思,一点也没能让人感同身受,每个角色也很扁平,个个都是美好的,真的很无趣,一点复杂的人性也看不到。女主演技也捉急,台词说的太急了,经常替她喘不上气。主线剧情也没啥吸引人的,这部剧适合平时干活的时候当背景音来放。
- 要我马上就回娘家了,找个帅哥乐得逍遥,受这闲气。