When an elite team of American special forces stormed a compound in Pakistan and killed the world's most wanted terror target it was the high point of Barack Obama's presidency. But as more and more information emerges, the doubts about the official account of Osama Bin Laden's death have been raised - to the point where veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has now al......
如果人生中遇到艰难时刻,该怎么办?有一种声音说:风来时没有「时间」闪躲,保持与狂风对峙的姿势,就像钉在大地上一样。尽管风把身上的小褂子撕破,把车上的草垛刮得只剩下一棵,但是车还在,没有前进也没有倒退;有一种声音说:只是向上走,不必听自暴自弃者流的话。to be or not to be?仁者见仁,智者见智。一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特。起风了——确切地说,陇西起风了。风,尚且能被《雏菊》感知,能被「眼线」发觉,能被「密探」替换,进而能被「弓背蛰伏的人」战胜。然而,被「编导」藏在故事和戏剧里无色无味的毒,文艺青年又当如何防止它对于美好初心的「渗透」策反呢?古人曰:夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。君之所以明者,兼听也。