“On many building sites where workers spend years away from their families, every visit is an event.” The opening text for one of Vlatko Gilic’s most beautiful short films exemplifies the director’s ability to use a specific moment and place to capture a universal human experience. In this case, the titular concept is presented by a husband climbing down from a potentially fata......
女主出身有爱幸福还有钱的家庭,娇气聪明内心稳定,和尽管身世不好但好看又体贴的暖男之间发生的互相暖心的清水恋爱剧。可能这种简单的浅白的全糖甜剧比较少了。所以有人觉得不够味儿,非得加点被害妄想症。但是我觉得也许不用想那么多。导演似乎也就只是想讲个单纯有爱的love and peace story罢了。...