With spin doctors ery much in the spotlight of late, this TV adaption of the BBC radio series could hardly have picked a better time to rear its head. The show centres around the workings of Prentiss McCabe, a PR agency whose offices play host to a succession of minor celebrities, politicians and high-up businessmen who all need photo-shoots arranging and soundbites composing. ......
看了几集太难看了……本来看到一开始描写中国人的母女关系,挺有意思,但是到后面又成了那种别的女生都是头脑空空、娇滴滴、柔弱白莲花,见到美男就流口水的妖艳贱货。就只有我是不拘小节、胆识过人、聪颖过人的天选之女,所有男人都爱我,但是我不甩他们所以他们更要追我。I’m not like the other girl vibe太熏人了 …… 台词白痴,剧情弱智。演员演技将就,但是欣赏不来赵露思的长相。长得太韩了,我们2000-10年代的明艳大气中式美人快回来。