特佩亚奇的奇迹 Tepeyac(1917)
- 标签:
- 剧情
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- José Manuel Ramos
- 主演:
- Roberto Arroyo Carrillo / Pilar Cota / Beatriz de Córdova
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- A man (Arroyo Carrillo) is sent to Europe on a diplomatic mission. The ship in which he travels is sunk by a German submarine. In Mexico, his girlfriend Lupita (Cota) receives a telegram with the news and looks for relief in La Virgen de Guadalupe, saint patron of catholic mexicans. After reading a book about the Virgin legend, Lupita falls asleep. Next morning, she receives go......
- 主演:
- Roberto Arroyo Carrillo / Pilar Cota / Beatriz de Córdova
- 类型:
- 恐怖
- 地区:
- 法国,加拿大
- 评分:
- 5.9
- 简介:
- A Frenchwoman in Manhattan, in danger of being deported because of her relationship with a recently...
- 评论:
- 没办法啊,就是喜欢龙葵(托腮)在城隍庙刚出来的那个破烂装,好看好看~那时候不仅追剧,还追各种幕后花絮制作,看设计师画服装的手稿,里面的歌也信手拈来,还去玩仙剑的游戏😂拍剧的走心观众也不是瞎子。还很喜欢紫萱和白豆腐,为此还追了金玉良缘和克拉恋人,心痛为什么要走傻白甜路线
- 满满的回忆,每年都会看一遍,哈哈,以后有时间还会看