残疾人的悲惨之地 The World's Worst Place to Be Disabled?(2015)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Chained up at prayer camps, exiled from villages for being cursed, forced on the streets and in some cases even killed, this is the reality for many disabled people in Ghana. Disabled journalist Sophie Morgan goes on an immersive journey to discover if Ghana is the World's Worst The World's Worst Place to Be Disabled? Beginning in the country's thriving capital Accra, Sophie se......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 纪录
- 地区:
- 美国
- 评分:
- 无
- 简介:
- What is it like to be world champion at a sport nobody knows about? An artist, a philosopher, a scie...
- 评论:
- 断断续续看了半年多终于看完了。直到第26集我还想打4星呢……最后10集太差啦,我基本做PPT时听完的,动不动就“我们要永生永世在一起”,什么儿童剧啊,脚趾抠地。前26集还是不错的,但是制作审美抬剧,剧情无亮点,就胜在一个800倍速,演员演技也就及格线上下,徐海乔和郭晓婷能让我有剧情代入感,很多人演得过家家一样,气场压不住配乐,很割裂。全剧最好看的部分也就是开头东方青苍开大,有点诈骗了,就要断情绝爱,谁想看你们唧唧歪歪搞对象。
- 出乎意料,之前以为真的是无脑儿童剧,没想到还行,虞书欣演技见仁见智吧,我觉得挺好的,因为女主就是这种有点傻白甜的性格,换身以后眼神语气明显变换的挺好,原音真的不错,🉑看