简布库艾是比利时有名的艺术家和电影导演,他在1994年执导的《比利时人的性生活》一片曾饱受国内争议,反对者称其颠覆了比利时传统的性禁忌,他甚至收到过激进分子的死亡威胁。不过,布库艾也因此名声大噪,成为比利时艺术界另类的代表。 A writer, Jan Bucquoy, narrates his sex life from his first sexual experience (with a teenage boy a few years older than him) to age 28, where he is living alone having split up with his wife, after having had an affair with a Karma Sutra obsessed model....
The drama is really excellent, I love the way Gu Wei took care of the patient, esp the little kid. Although he might be cold at first, but he is really warn inside. Xiao Zhan did the very brilliant performance, full score for him.