战争之后 Geurigo Geuhu(2003)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Ho-sup Lee
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- After the Korean War, 10,000 Korean women married American G.I.’s, hoping to escape poverty and starvation in their devastated country. Young-Ja Wike is one of those women. For over 40 years, she has lived with her husband in a typical suburban house in New Jersey, where she raised three children. Yet she never learned fluent English, which has made her life in America that muc......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 喜剧
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 1
- 简介:
- 我宁愿这部剧停在26集封神,也不愿看后面心口不一的狗尾续貂。孟德海线改得太可惜了,黄瑶、孟钰后面难得的高光时刻也被改得面目全非。张颂文演技真的是好!反派角色大嫂、高启盛、小龙小虎都形象饱满,相比之下正方过于平面单调缺乏层次仿佛工具人。谭思言的出场比重甚至不如一碗猪脚面,我们至今不知道安欣家是什么样子。虽然国产剧在主角方面的塑造和打磨还欠火候,至少出现了有血有肉的反派,可喜可贺。...
- 评论:
- 朋友推荐说这是中国的绝命毒师,现在已经跟他绝交了
- 想随便看看来着结果真挺好看。——一口气肝了十一集,根本停不下来,很好看,特别有美剧味儿。高启强让我想起了疑犯追踪里的老师……