A tragicomic and true-to-life drama about life, with many of its actors in improvisation mode. Years ago, three best friends were making a stir in Berlin’s arts scene and nightlife: Maria, a director; Laura, a young actress; and Jan, a DJ. Now they all meet up on a farm in the Black Forest where Laura and Jan had moved to fulfill their dream of a rural life. The illusions they’......
1.《夫妻去哪儿》版《婚姻故事》之感,仿佛追剧一般断断续续地在三天之内追看完毕;2.起初有冒出推荐给她观看的念头,但细想,她的婚姻&家庭出现一些类似节目反应的问题我们这些年来已经聊过多次,我提过N次意见,而她和他始终没有通过实质性的行动去努力解决,那奢望让如今平时基本不看综艺节目?的她与他能从看真人秀节目中得到反思并吸取经验教训并不太现实;3.第2期 06:58 王秋雨与KK魏巍一起看自然风景响起《断背山》的配乐、第7期 65:46 KK魏巍喝醉酒时说:因为我爱他(章贺)(剪进正片却没有字幕);4.第10期 末尾胡彦斌聊到婚姻小孩的话题时,突然觉得这个节目也适合推荐给谢飞老师;5.《星际穿越》《入殓师》等配乐、朴树 - No Fear In My Heart、Radiohead - High And Dry、Adele - Easy On Me……这么多BGM音乐如果付版权费得花多少钱?……...