五个女孩 5 Girls(2001)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Maria Finitzo
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- For two years, filmmaker Maria Finitzo followed five strong young women between the ages of 13 and 17. Unlike the myriad reports, books and "specials" that focus on young women as passive and powerless, 5 Girls explores the ways these girls discover the resources necessary to successfully navigate the rocky waters of adolescence. It focuses on the positive ways girls learn to a......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 犯罪
- 地区:
- 德国
- 评分:
- 6.7
- 简介:
- 暂无...
- 评论:
- 4.都挑明了是广东了 天天让人主角吃饺子 真受不了你们北方人…………
- 质感爆剧预定!张译张颂文一正一邪,飙戏带感,"相爱相杀",看点十足。悬疑向,烟火气,细节派,大尺度,名场面,还穿插点搞笑。看安欣由一身硬骨、意气风发变得满头白发、暮气沉沉。看高启强一步步由被人欺压的鱼贩子变成涉黑大佬迈向深渊。看高启盛如何聪明自卑敏感腹黑,背后伤人和放火烧店等行为让人后背发凉。把视角对准人性的变化和复杂性,对「匪」的刻画也不再刻板。两层双线叙事。从黄翠翠被害案、溺毙鱼塘案、安欣卧底案、沙石埋人案、安欣车祸案到谭思言陆寒王力的遗体重见天日,诸多案件丝丝缕缕环环相扣。还有陆寒失踪案、杨健码头案等案件看得人"老泪纵横"。心算鸡兔同笼的情节也是学生时代的噩梦吧。编剧叙事风格沉稳干练,人物刻画丰满立体。可看值max!