三人性游戏 2:潘多拉的魔盒 Trois 2: Pandora's Box(2002)
- 标签:
- 惊悚
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 罗伯·哈代
- 主演:
- Michael Jai White / Monica Calhoun / Kristoff St. John / Joseph Lawrence / Tyson Beckford
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Mia DuBois (Calhoun) is a walking cliché--a successful therapist with an unsuccessful marriage. Her husband, Victor (St. John), is more interested in working on his laptop than on her. So she is very receptive to hearing about the wild sex life that her new client Tammy (Wilson) and Tammy's husband enjoyed, before he was murdered. Mia even accepts an invitation from Tammy to Pa......
- 主演:
- Michael Jai White / Monica Calhoun / Kristoff St. John / Joseph Lawrence / Tyson Beckford
- 类型:
- 暂无
- 地区:
- 美国
- 评分:
- 无
- 简介:
- A thriller about a man, Dr Wolcott, who is wrongfully acquitted of charges that he molested his daug...
- 评论:
- 光那些台词,就可以得到九分以上了:中国鬼说,他们死于听天由命和漫不经心。中国人死都不怕,就怕不安逸。我们就是这样的国民性啊!哀其不幸,怒其不争。可尽管是这样,那些身上沾满一切中国人丑陋恶习的炮灰团士兵们依然谱写了一个民族的抗战史诗。
- 只花了6天,我从一个心智健全的人类变成了一个心里穿了大洞的人类。从南天门到禅达呼啸的风从大洞里反复穿透过去,带出炮灰团所有人的声音。死亡是角色的高潮,而我却要反反复复鼓足勇气才敢继续看下去。最终我会死,但我死了之后还会活着。