大使要回家 Ambasadori, cautam patrie(2003)
- 标签:
- 喜剧
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 米尔恰·达内柳克
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Titi and Marius, two friends who fought together during the revolution of 1989, follow very different social and political paths in its aftermath. An African state under the military dictatorship of President personally, abandoned embassies, putting them in awkward situation. Eighteen months Endola abandoned by the Republic embassy in Bucharest has never paid any bill. Called u......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 恐怖,惊悚
- 地区:
- 法国,荷兰
- 评分:
- 6.7
- 简介:
- 三年前,杰夫与女友黛安娜驾车出游时,黛安娜说去路边一家冷饮店买些喝的东西,结果却一去不返。杰夫不想信黛安娜是故意不告而别,所以三年来他一天也没有放弃寻找,在公众场合贴寻人启事,委托警方代为搜寻,但一直...
- 评论:
- 剧本的问题很大,不支楞。两个女配挺活的,一众男演员都差强人意,张译一个人孤孤单单兢兢业业,仍带不起剧,王俊凯差到不知从何说起,比天坑鹰猎还能差很多,建议先演难度系数低的青春偶像剧
- 结局我认为没太大问题,非得想那么多有的没的???