沉默的诺言 A Silent Agreement(2017)
- 标签:
- 剧情 / 爱情
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Davo Hardy
- 主演:
- Davo Hardy / Joshua Sealy / Paul Mercurio / Sage Godrei / Rhonda Rourke / Jennifer Maclaughlan / Scott Murphy / Georgina Neville / Debbie Neilson / Barry Backhouse
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- In the first Australian feature film to showcase Auslan (Australian sign language), writer/director Davo Hardy, plays a sensitive writer named Reuben, who grapples with a speech impediment as his profoundly deaf boyfriend Derek (played by Joshua Sealy), provides strategies to restore his confidence. Upon finding the courage to submit an autobiographical screenplay to his favori......
- 主演:
- Davo Hardy / Joshua Sealy / Paul Mercurio / Sage Godrei / Rhonda Rourke / Jennifer Maclaughlan / Scott Murphy / Georgina Neville / Debbie Neilson / Barry Backhouse
- 类型:
- 西部
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 7
- 简介:
- ...
- 评论:
- 这周无意间在b站看到这部国漫电视剧,点进来就停不下来,被里面华丽且真实的打斗吸引到了。以前没看过同名小说,所以看着更加能满足好奇心。加上弹幕的一些解说,对人物故事以及剧情有一些了解。b站是把这几部做了合集,所以一口气看完了76集,原本以为是全剧终,结果还是未完待续!完全不尽兴。剧中的文戏很有深度,也很容易引人思考,打斗又相当纯粹,我在想,如果出一个rpg游戏会不会也很吸引我。剧中好几个女主的建模估计用了一个,但目前为止还是认为墨彩环让人意难平🥺
- 又多了一部想等下去的动漫,煎熬啊