黑暗军团 Dark Army(2022)
- 标签:
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 保罗·费格
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Paul Feig is working on something called Dark Army for the studio. We don't know precisely what it's about, but (according to Deadline) the film will include appearances from some of the classic Universal Monsters. That could mean just about anything, but given that bit of gossip and the film's title, we're gonna speculate that this might be a Monster Squad-type deal. That's re......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 动画
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 3
- 简介:
- 表妹的童年回忆,跟着她在电视上瞟了一眼,OMG,本来就不咋样的小说,被片方吹得无比高大上,惨不忍睹的特效,妆容...当年貌美如花的白豆腐怎么这样了?果然,国产电视神剧不能期待...想着看特效的都散了吧,想着看颜值的也都散了吧...
- 评论:
- 好二,第一集看了点点真的再看不下去了。。。。。。
- 有没有人和我一样觉得披哥比浪姐好看🫣因为不矫情事儿少🫣这一季好多喜欢的哥哥 最喜欢的绝对非瘦子Eso莫属🥰rap唱得好 vocal更是要命了 又高又帅🤤从0713到张栋梁唐禹哲李玖哲品冠林志颖 王耀庆陆毅魏巡马伯骞 年纪大了 就爱看回忆杀🥹刚看完第一集好烦蔡国庆 还没看够0713就被拆了 很难不怀疑是为了蹭晋级 本来无数这个舞台能更精彩的🙂别看好声音了 快来芒果看披荆斩棘🥳