Filmed in part across Iran during the run up to the 2009 election and presented by Sadeq Saba. Born almost 1000 years ago in Persia, Omar Khayyam was an astronomer, mathematician and poet. His contribution to algebra and geometry has sealed his reputation as one the greatest mathematicians of all time; and a lunar crater has been named after him for his advances in astronomy. O......
2022.10.27:本来看豆瓣评分挺不错蛮感兴趣,完结后终于来看剧不免产生落差,在我看过的同样与“死亡”有关的影视作品中,和《入殓师》《非自然死亡》《Move to Heaven:我是遗物整理师》做比较的话,《三悦有了新工作》于我而言只是《出境事务所》《人生大事》《人生清理员》的水准:赵三悦与母亲吵架就离家出走、她寻死之际恰巧大姨路过(看到郭柯宇出演惊喜下)……罗大淼既然不是想自杀而是找东西干嘛直接一头栽进浅水里(第三集说是跳河,第四集台词又变成跳湖),而后赵三悦遛狗能刚好撞到罗大淼,然后两人一起去修手机时修理的店员刚刚修好就突发心梗随后去世……诸如此类的剧情编排未免太生硬刻意了吧?要不是制作还可以,可能就不坚持看完了。