A cowboy Robin Hood, "Passin' Through" steals money so he can give it to children born out of wedlock, because he believes that his own mother was never married. Then Passin' Through finds out that his birth was a lawful one, but that Bud Frazer, who had once courted his mother, killed her new husband and then hounded her until she died. Passin' Through decides to go after Fraz......
天知道我有多爱这剧,好想给十颗星。大学一年级翻遍图书馆看了小说和剧本,同时刷了无数次士兵突击。在宝强离婚之秋,重温别有意味。尽管身处娱乐至死的年代,尽管none of my business,但是这部男人戏中的许三多确实激励着很多人。包括陈思成段奕宏张译邢佳栋张国强李晨等演员,一直以来都在关注着。...