齐格弗里德 Siegfried(2015)
- 标签:
- 戏曲
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Sven-Eric Bechtolf
- 主演:
- Stephen Gould / Evelyn Herlitzius / Tomasz Konieczny / Herwig Pecoraro
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- "Siegfried - this human being must overshadow the gods' splendour!", Richard Wagner enthusiastically wrote about his creation - the young and strong hero, who is raised by the dwarf Mime. Siegfried becomes the central character in last two parts of the Ring Cycle: in the music drama of the same name he forges his sword Notung, gains the Nibelung's treasure and meets Wotan's dau......
- 主演:
- Stephen Gould / Evelyn Herlitzius / Tomasz Konieczny / Herwig Pecoraro
- 类型:
- 历史
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 6
- 简介:
- 挺好看的,以前这种仙侠片我真真不怎么看,这次看了还不错,特别被张丹峰圈粉了,小骨和杀姐姐演也挺到位的。...
- 评论:
- 虽然陆毅也不是啥好演员,但是胡兵啥都插一脚啥都不咋样的,真没法和当初的陆毅比红。太往自己脸上贴金了。这一季除了蔡姨不知道有什么可看的。
- 好多地方赵丽颖演绎的太好了。。前期的可爱 蛮荒里那个绝望的眼神 杀姐姐死了的哭戏 蓝衣骨远远看着师傅落泪又美又凄凉 好多好多泪点 最后花千骨死时对师傅的说的话 演绎的象真的被下了咒语一样 五颗星