踏破风浪无觅处 Footsteps on the Wind(2021)
- 标签:
- 剧情 / 动画 / 短片 / 家庭 / 儿童
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Maya Sanbar / Gustavo Leal / Faga Melo
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- “Footsteps on the Wind” is an animated short film to Sting’s song “Inshallah”. Based on the harsh and intense reality of refugees around the world, this film broaches a narrative told through the eyes of children that never give up on their dreams. Little Noor and her brother Josef see their lives torn apart when an unexpected event hits home, pushing them into a journey over t......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 惊悚
- 地区:
- 美国
- 评分:
- 5.5
- 简介:
- Laura Black has got it. She has got her master in computer science and she has got that great job in...
- 评论:
- 清明节假期前开始补追这部电视剧,现已看到38集。如此现实主义地、细致正面地表现五四前后的中国觉醒历史,艺术地再现陈独秀、李大钊、蔡元培、胡适等一批历史人物的历史功绩,实属罕见!我这个年纪的观众都看得目不转睛、荡气回肠;更不要说对年轻人了,看了也应该是获益匪浅。就冲这个成功地再现百年前中国历史的成绩,就应该打五颗星!本剧在艺术表现上的优秀也令人敬佩。剧本好,演员好,舞美摄影好,导演更值得夸赞!我还没看完,忍不住先写两笔,希望没有观看或没有全看的人,快去看看这部好剧,你会大有收获!
- 很不错的剧,但是里面对女性的刻画还是不太行,扣一分。高君曼也对新青年做了不少的贡献,结果在剧里被刻画成只会包包子,还有柳眉和陈延年的感情线也实属没必要。。。