What is Bitcoin? With the advent of Bitcoin, the world's first digital currency, for the first time in history money is no longer controlled by banks or governments, but by the people who use it. But where did this currency come from? How does it work? And is it truly the way forward, or just a flash in the pan? Magic Money answers these questions and more as it explores the my......
D / 隐秘>沉默>无证。除了表演在线其他各方面基本都是三部中的下乘。剧本的格局前6集铺得井然有序层次丰富,但是之后就愈发依靠某角色犯傻恶心观众和各种极端巧合推动。对比《隐秘》中对严良朱朝阳走向分离举重若轻的处理,就知道这部人物关系的刻画有多么僵硬。整个故事里也没有显明的溢出剧作控制之外的要素,是三部里最死板最贴着探案剧情而缺乏余韵的。不过,这个严良确实是三部里最有魅力的一个。