无梦之城 Ciudad sin sueño(2024)
- 标签:
- 剧情
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 吉列尔莫·加西亚·洛佩兹
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- La Cañada Real, located on the outskirts of Madrid, is one of the largest illegal settlements in Europe. Ramon, a 13-year-old Roma boy, has always lived here with his family. Together, they form a part of the community of La Cañada. Ramon and his best friend Saïd film the world around them on a mobile phone they both share. One day, Saïd tells Ramón that he is going back to Mor......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 喜剧,爱情
- 地区:
- 加拿大
- 评分:
- 6.7
- 简介:
- Plus sized and 30 years old, LEXIE IVY is a feisty Bed and Breakfast owner who desperately needs a d...
- 评论:
- 纪录片里说的花大量时间精力功夫制作的东西压根在电影里头都没体现出来,譬如那块木雕屏风,马术这类不本就该是演员接下角色后的必修课吗,相比骑马射箭更重要的演技反而是次要的
- 纪录片本身中规中矩,还原了《封神》背后连续十年无数工作人员、演员的努力和心血;和《流浪地球2》一样,这两部的最大的意义是超出自身的高水准,更是为中国电影摸索了一条工业化大制作的道路和流程,培养了一批优秀的电影工作者和团队公司,也打造了一批能沉下心来真正努力做电影的电影人,包括从演员到导演的每个位子;”功德无量“一词不虚 @bilibili