不为什么 Просто так(1976)
- 标签:
- 动画 / 短片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Stella Aristakesova
- 主演:
- Yuri Avsharov / Lidiya Kataeva / Svetlana Kharlap
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Kind animation film about how the boy gave a sad donkey a bouquet of flowers just like that. The donkey was delighted, and in turn gave the same bouquet to the puppy. Similarly, the bouquet fell to the bear cub, and from it to the squirrel. And everyone, to whom this bouquet fell, became joyful, because it is so nice to receive gifts just like that....
- 主演:
- Yuri Avsharov / Lidiya Kataeva / Svetlana Kharlap
- 类型:
- 纪录
- 地区:
- 德国
- 评分:
- 7.2
- 简介:
- 暂无...
- 评论:
- 正好最近在看有关性侵犯的书《傲慢的堡垒》,和剧里状告吴廉借由传授绣艺之名强奸学艺女子的蔺如兰呼应起来了,“强奸是对权力的滥用,根本不是对性欲望或性吸引的表达。”
- 笑死,当导演光明正大的说自己是小成本良心剧的时候我以为是噱头,没想到还真是。就那么几个景,几套衣服,但看的我津津有味的~该有的道具和细节通通在线完全不出戏,故事也讲的好好!就冲把钱花到刀刃上这点我必须得给个五星,希望加更!