Natali Broods / Katelijne Damen / Isnel Da Silveira
A woman kills her boyfriend and the woman he's sleeping around with after they had sex which she recorded (original). After this she starts to get obsessed with sex and killing, and she gets more excited every time and is going mental while she seeks her own identity. One of the strongest points of the movie are the extremely offending scenes and trust me they will offend you. ......
C + / 尽管偶尔仍有强加冲突的痕迹,但这个类型语境下已经把人物视角做得很精巧、多线交织融合做得很灵动了。每集都有几个语气混杂的场景,又时不时以仿佛自动流出的歧义引出对抗与心境的微妙变化;而关于类型逻辑的自我反诘,对于各种cliche的破坏改造,也在最后的“拍摄”中衍生出戏谑却又仿佛论辩般的矛盾感——解读、体会、瓦解、构筑,“入戏”然后在注视中寻觅到一瞬间的恍惚与震动。一天之内刷完体感节奏上没问题,比较喜欢刘净的家庭线、方欣的职场线和后段爱情线,1718哭死我……