攀登无极限 Climbing No Limits(2012)
- 标签:
- 纪录片 / 运动
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Richard Else
- 主演:
- Dave MacLeod / Alan Cassidy
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- It's over 150 years since climbing developed as a sport and in that time Britain's great crags have been thoroughly explored. In their search for bold new routes, two of Scotland's best rock athletes, Dave MacLeod and Alan Cassidy, travel south of the Border to the heart of the English climbing scene. In an astonishing week, they attempt two innovative first ascents - one deep ......
- 主演:
- Dave MacLeod / Alan Cassidy
- 类型:
- 运动
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 6
- 简介:
- 从第一集的打戏就能看出来是良心制作,不同于其他古装剧的“慢动作”,云襄传是实打实的高帧率拍摄,剪辑节奏恰到好处,整场打戏酣畅淋漓,男女主颜值优越演技精湛,已经很期待后面的剧情了!...
- 评论:
- 这剧目前为止唯一可以吐槽的地方就是什么铁阎罗、阎罗王、活阎罗这类烂俗的称号,最多再加上陈晓要抱抱,揉眼睛的样子莫名地有种喜感。所以国产剧能不能看,看个开头一两集就知道了,别听粉丝忽悠你一些烂剧往下面看就好看了。
- 能不能找点真的青年人来拍古偶。。