Bill McNeil heads a black ops team called "Mach 1" called in to retrieve a cannister of deadly viral agent which was stolen from the go vernment by an arms dealer. The team retrieve the weapon but the team is setup. Bill knows a traitor is behind things. 疑云密布 病毒危机一触即发 重重圈套 调查人员绝路逢生 加拿大C3制片有限公司出品 弗雷斯特·丹尼森实验室正在研制一种具有特殊效能的病毒,这种病毒一旦落入他人之手,其后果不堪设想。病毒贩子图姆斯派手下闯入实验室,杀死了科学家,抢走了病毒,准备进行一笔......