南街餐馆的一天 24 Hours at the South Street Diner(2012)
- 标签:
- 纪录片 / 短片 / 传记
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Melissa Dowler / Tom Dowler
- 主演:
- Susan Chused Still / Don Levy / Maggie McNally
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- In Boston, the city that brought us Cheers, there really is a place where the staff know all the regulars by name. But it's not a bar, it's a downtown diner that's been there since the 1940s and has become a historical and cultural icon. 24 Hours At The South Street Diner introduces a diverse group of waiters, regulars, late-night revelers and local celebrities who call Boston'......
- 主演:
- Susan Chused Still / Don Levy / Maggie McNally
- 类型:
- 奇幻
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 8
- 简介:
- 前面俩都还好,最智障的是剧情,女主那么爱自己妈,听闻病重没药吃了居然还能站在凉亭一动不动,东西被卖了,不找卖的人算账去找买家,妈都快死了人家好心给钱不要,前脚在乎名声,后脚就能大声嚷嚷。男主挂在嘴上的女人独立自主真是笑掉大牙,纨绔恶霸只存在台词上,画面是一点没有,我说,编剧别太i男了...
- 评论:
- 两人因未走出沙漠,全剧终……
- 2.老套融梗(原著和三生、花千骨、香蜜基本同期 情节偏好相似也正常且节奏不算拖沓