潜在记忆 Cryptomnesia(2014)
- 标签:
- 纪录片
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Azin Feizabadi
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Alternating between autobiographical fact and fiction, Cryptomnesia narrates the author’s childhood memories of his asylum-odyssey from Iran to France, Austria, Belgium, and finally the Federal Republic of Germany, through a proxy character named Reinoldus. Reinoldus’s experiences in the industrial city of Dortmund—at a club, in the central train station, hanging out with frien......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 奇幻,短片
- 地区:
- 阿根廷
- 评分:
- 暂无
- 简介:
- Emanuel is a 21-year old guy who has abandoned his university studies since he feels depressed. He h...
- 评论:
- 向伟大的人民警察致敬。
- 比较“清爽”的职业剧,这样形容是因为它没有过多的摆烂恋爱戏来分散它本来的主题,同样也试图给许多角色进行平均的聚焦;所摘取的故事并非大场面、高能力,而是很真实的琐碎日常。横向参照美剧或是港剧,十多年前有《青涩警队》/《学警出更》,现在《菜鸟老警》稳步向前,这样的题材发生本来就不会很难,反而还成了有些稀缺的出品。缺点可能是看多了角色形象(为了戏剧冲突)较为脸谱化,寻求帮助的老百姓大多撒泼打滚张牙舞爪(女王刘威葳吓死人),热血理想满腔和遇阻迷惘没有中间点来平衡;同样在剧集播出时的时事背景,或许也会影响对它的判断和说服力。曹璐一如既往很出彩,但惊喜可能是徐开骋;希望帅哥戒掉各种古偶和甜宠邀约,专心收拾自己,永久停留在当代题材里….