我的约翰叔叔是僵尸 My Uncle John Is a Zombie!(2016)
- 标签:
- 恐怖
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Robert Lucas / John A. Russo
- 主演:
- Sarah French / Jizmak the Gusha / Danielle Inks / Emma Jacobs / Nicholas Knight / George Kosana / Jamie Lockhart / Debbie Rochon / Felissa Rose / John A. Russo / Russell Streiner / Gary Lee Vincent / George W Richardson / Michelle Bowser / Phil Nardozzi / Edward Pfeifer
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- A zombie kept in hiding by his niece and nephew suddenly becomes famous when the world discovers he can talk and reason as though he were alive. As his popularity grows, he is discovered by zombie hunters who want to kidnap him and hunt him for sport....
- 主演:
- Sarah French / Jizmak the Gusha / Danielle Inks / Emma Jacobs / Nicholas Knight / George Kosana / Jamie Lockhart / Debbie Rochon / Felissa Rose / John A. Russo / Russell Streiner / Gary Lee Vincent / George W Richardson / Michelle Bowser / Phil Nardozzi / Edward Pfeifer
- 类型:
- 喜剧,短片,经典
- 地区:
- 美国
- 评分:
- 8.2
- 简介:
- 查理在餐馆做服务生,每到中午休息时间便换上制服去溜冰。溜冰时邂逅女孩,智斗追她的Stout先生。女孩邀请她参加溜冰派对,却遇上花心的Stout先生和夫人、女孩的父亲。...
- 评论:
- 男主超级帅,非常非常非常苏,粉了!
- 初段温吞,中段精彩,末段乏味。恋爱拉扯段算是看过感情戏里好看的,男女双方的小心思演绎得很细腻,那种内心喷薄欲出的欲望和表面心如止水的冷静是恋爱时期最不可多得的享受。可惜后期还是落入窠臼,玛丽苏成分过高,程老师的戏份出现得过于巧合后续也过于恶心。女主装腔装到最后喜提升职+高富帅,可她明明那么普通,中间还夹杂着霸道总裁爱上我的烂俗戏码,让人不禁想感叹:这其实只是创作者的一帘春梦罢了。