无梦之城 Ciudad sin sueño(2024)
- 标签:
- 剧情
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- 吉列尔莫·加西亚·洛佩兹
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- La Cañada Real, located on the outskirts of Madrid, is one of the largest illegal settlements in Europe. Ramon, a 13-year-old Roma boy, has always lived here with his family. Together, they form a part of the community of La Cañada. Ramon and his best friend Saïd film the world around them on a mobile phone they both share. One day, Saïd tells Ramón that he is going back to Mor......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 武侠
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 3
- 简介:
- 妇人之见...
- 评论:
- 出了西游记外,这是另外一部TVB最好看的古装神话剧。故事不错,二郎和妻子那段朴素的感情有小感动;陈浩民演哪吒挺到位,叶璇在里面的造型也很漂亮。表现最亮眼是苑琼丹,演爱子情深的哪吒妈妈,实实在在,很有爱,记得那时她也凭这角色获得TVB十大我最喜爱角色之一。
- 卧槽卧槽卧槽终于找到了,小时候觉得这片子虽然挺扯淡但是哪吒演的好可爱好揪心啊!!嘤嘤,最后大家都团聚惹 20190611二刷 前半部分真的太虐心惹T-T